LCA has multiple ways for you to connect with the early learning child care industry and be a voice for the Oklahoma Early Learning Industry.
Whether you're a center owner in search of resources to grow your business, a director wanting to strengthen your leadership skills or an individual teacher looking for a way to grow in your chosen profession, LCA is where you belong.
Connection: Our members are connected to a larger group banded together to produce positive results for licensed child care.
Professional Development Training and Conferences:
Conferences provide quality education and networking for early childhood professionals. We offer a significant discount to our members for Conferences and training events. Members are encouraged to help plan the Conference and attend to enhance their professional development.
Public Policy / Advocacy: Our strong advocacy programs are centered on assuring that child care industry voices are being heard. You can keep track of child care issues under consideration by the state Legislature as well as updates from other agencies that deal with child care and early education issues.
Informational Services: LCA keeps members informed and in touch through the association’s web site and email updates of current and emerging issues relevant to the child care industry. We support the work you do each day in your child care business.
Come and be a part of Oklahoma's largest and most trusted Early Learning Child Care Industry Association.
We can't wait to work with you!